Sunday, June 8, 2008

Birds in the Nationals Stadium

Screech, the overweight flightless eagle who is unfortunately the Nationals' mascot, is apparently not the only bird around. Last night, a big motherfucking great horned owl, flew across the stadium just above scoreboard height right before the top of the 8th. And just a few minutes ago, at the top of the eighth tonight, some small black bird was slowly calmly walking around in front of Felipe Lopez, like a citizen of our fine city crossing the street through traffic. A grounder scattered him to the outfield, but he remains in right field right by the foul line as the game is in progress.

How do I know this?

Professor Remix is sitting in the goddamn press box because this blog has press credentials. If you're wondering why I'm not writing about the game, it's because the Nationals are getting killed.

UPDATE: Bird just flew across the infield. He is just asking for a Randy Johnson incident.

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